Vegan of the Month Club – Victoria Moran
Originally posted on 05/28/2012 for Huffington Post Hanging Out At The Intersection Of Magic And Main Street “Being vegan is a glorious adventure. It touches every aspect of my life — my relationships, how I relate to the world,” says Victoria Moran. Head and founder of Main Street Vegan Academy, Moran is the author of…

Vegan of the Month – Brian Patton (the Sexy Vegan)
The Sexy Vegan is not Food Network fab, he’s not buff, he’s a dude. He makes dude food. Jalapeno poppers. Barbecued ribz. Spaghetti and balls. Pizza. It’s manly. And it’s plant-based. Not too long ago, the Sexy Vegan (real name Brian Patton) was an overweight, junk food-addicted Trekkie. Now, he’s a vegan vid sensation and…

Vegan of the month: Paulette Phlipot
Originally posted on 05/25/2015 for Huffington Post Through a Lens Joyfully — Vegan of the month, Paulette Phlipot Takes a Closer Look at Real Food Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for us, anyone knows that. Award-winning culinary photographer Paulette Phlipot reminds us they’re also the source of “simplicity, joy and fun. How can you…

Originally posted on 04/21/2014 for the Huffington Post Earth Day just tastes better with self-described eco-chef Bryant Terry in the kitchen. “I started calling myself an eco-chef in 2002,” says the author of the cookbook Afro-Vegan. “I knew I wanted to commit to healthy food and sustainability issues, helping people to understand the choices we…

So proud of Jasmin Singer of Our Hen House and her loud, proud new memoir, Always too Much and Never Enough Originally posted on 04/15/2013 for Huffington Post Meatless Monday: Our Hen House’s Jasmin Singer and the Art of Defiance What would make you change the way you think, the way you eat? For many,…

Tracey Stewart shares her home and life with two children, a husband (Jon Stewart, “The Daily Show” host — maybe you’ve heard of him), four dogs, a hamster, two pigs, a pair of cows, three rabbits, two guinea pigs, a couple of fish and a parrot. That’s a lot of sharing and a lot of…

Vegan of the Month – Animal Right Activist Jaya Bhumitra
Compassion Over Killing‘s Jaya Bhumitra won’t take animal abuse lying down. She’s been getting up before dawn to train for the Palos Verdes half marathon this Saturday. Bhumitra is running 13.1 miles to raise money on behalf of the 9 billion animals killed annually for food in this country. She’s also doing it in memory…

More than 150 pounds of chocolate, 100 pounds of cocoa powder and 20 years of sweet experience went into “Vegan Chocolate,” the bestselling cookbook by pastry goddess Fran Costigan. With tarts and truffles, cookies and creme and shower-stoppers like Sachertorte and Costigan’s childhood favorite, Brooklyn Blackout Cake, it’s a chocolate orgy that’s absolutely plant-based. A…

Vegan of the month – Gene Baur
Last week, I got to hear Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Bauer at Miami Book Fair International. He’s an ardent and compassionate animal activist — and November’s Vegan of the Month. Small Steps, Big Changes — Gene Baur and ‘Living the Farm Sanctuary Life’ Originally posted on 04/27/2015 for Huffington Post: There was no plan, there…

October Vegan of the Month, meets scary-smart Kathy Hester. Recipe developer, slow cooker guru, pr pro, cooking instructor and five-time cookbook author Kathy Hester owes her success to being an overachiever who’s not afraid to fail. “You can’t be successful at something unless you’re willing to fail brilliantly,” she says. “I do some boneheaded things…

Vegan of the Month – Alison Burgos
For September Vegan of the Month, I’m glad to feature Alison Burgos, founder of Seed Food and Wine, fellow healthy South Florida game changer and Miami’s own vegan force of nature. Get your tix for Seed 2015, coming up in November and here before you know it. Seed began as the brainchild of Alison Burgos…

Vegan of the Month Club – Dr. Richard Oppenlander
Originally posted on 07/21/2014 for Huffington Post “We’re creating irreversibility in areas of global depletion. If we’re going to make it as a civilization or species, we have to change,” says Dr. Richard Oppenlander. “To move the world in the direction that’s truly more sustainable, the most efficient way possible means adopting fully organic, plant-based…

July Vegans of the Month — Planted in Miami’s Jeanette and Alex Ruiz
Wow! I’m excited to get so many nominations for my new Vegan of the Month feature. Thanks to all who wrote in (and you know who you are). For July, I’ve chosen not one vegan, but two — Jeanette and Alex Ruiz, better known as that plant-based podcasting pair, Planted in Miami. They’re long-time locals…

Vegan of the Month Club – JOHN ROBBINS
One of the best parts of my job is the people I get to meet — driven, fun, inspiring and vegan. I want you to meet them, too. I really want us all to cook and eat dinner together, but you’re busy, I’m busy, they’re busy. So starting this month, I’m introducing the Vegan of…
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